< Sesama (Indonezja)

Sesama (Indonezja)
2019-02-20 do 2019-02-20 SeJeblog neighborhood street art project
Methodos-Bambang Nurdiansyah-Alex TMT-Lovehatelove-Caitlin Taguibao-Yk Logos-XUCH-Anagard-Vivien Poly-Enka-Ipeh-Jono-Diky- Prihatmo Moki-Gilang Fradika

2019-02-20 do 2019-02-20
SeJeblog neighborhood street art project
Methodos-Bambang Nurdiansyah-Alex TMT-Lovehatelove-Caitlin Taguibao-Yk Logos-XUCH-Anagard-Vivien Poly-Enka-Ipeh-Jono-Diky- Prihatmo Moki-Gilang Fradika

SeJeblog neighborhood street art project

SESAMA and JEBLOG village warmly invite you to the new concept of street art project! Coming soon!

SeJeblog neighborhood stret art
April 10 – April 30, 2017

A series of activities
The main event:

- Process of work street art

Date : April 10 – April 17, 2017
Venue : Houses in the hamlet residents Jeblog, Tirtonimolo, Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta.

- Archive Exhibtion

Day : Saturday - Sunday
Date : April 22 - April 30, 2017
Time : 19.00 – 22. 00 pm
Venue : Sesama art space, dusun Jeblgog, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan Bantul, Yogyakarta

Street Artist
Methodos-Bambang Nurdiansyah-Alex TMT-Lovehatelove-Caitlin Taguibao-Yk Logos-XUCH-Anagard-Vivien Poly-Enka-Ipeh-Jono-Diky- Prihatmo Moki-Gilang Fradika

In scientific thinking solidarity word based on the study of sociology and its value was woken up by the foundation as well as the feeling of common interest. Solidarity is able to adapt to contextual, relative, and multifunctional in moral responsibility. Scientific forms of solidarity in the community needs to be disclosure through the relation of knowledge. David Emile Durkheim (1858-1917), known as one of the founders of modern sociology offer the kind of social solidarity always correlated with different types of society. Social solidarity needs to be agreed upon is that referring to the value of mutual trust among communities. Dialectics various communities need to be initiated in order to realize cultural values. Yogyakarta is loaded with artistic struggle becomes a distinct advantage for community groups to increase the degree of their civilization. Scheme of this project is an emancipatory policies which connects between people, art workers and the environment. Here the effectiveness of the aesthetic that will guide the participants Street Art Sejeblog in the application of their credo work. The emphasis is on practical solidarity theme of collaboration between artists who were invited by the local residents. By involving the community as a subject, means what is called alienation between the artist and his work will be completed. Ethically, the various idioms which will appear on the idea of dialogue and visual dissertation will be absorbed very objective by the citizens. Art products such as graffiti, murals, stencils, posters, wheate paste, photography, installation art, and stickers when born in the public sphere is autonomous and individualistic with the absence of submissions. Within the scope of their villages brought to chat with the neighbors. Platform project is not an arena of global celebration of urban art, anti-social and poor meaning and just do the job repetitions (kitsch), but the position of the art of "street art" should have a partiality to construct social meanings. This project will release and hold harmless each participant builds structural aesthetic language through the "form" (marker) with the belief of "meaning" (sign).

Dalam pemikiran ilmiah kata solidaritas bertumpu pada kajian sosiologi dan nilainya terbangun oleh pondasi perasaan serta kepentingan bersama. Solidaritas mampu beradaptasi secara kontekstual, relatif, dan multifungsi dalam pertanggung jawaban moral. Bentuk solidaritas yang ilmiah ditengah masyarakat perlu pengungkapan melalui relasi pengetahuan. David Emile Durkheim (1858-1917) yang dikenal sebagai salah satu pencetus sosiologi modern menawarkan jenis solidaritas sosial selalu berkolerasi dengan berbagai jenis lapisan masyarakat. Solidaritas sosial yang perlu disepakati adalah yang mengacu pada nilai saling percaya antar komunitas masyarakat. Dialektika berbagai komunitas perlu diinisiasi agar terwujud nilai-nilai kultural. Yogyakarta yang sarat dengan pergumulan kesenian menjadi suatu keuntungan tersendiri bagi kelompok masyarakat untuk meningkatkan derajat peradaban mereka. Skema proyek ini merupakan sebuah kebijakan emansipatoris yang mana menghubungkan antara masyarakat, pekerja seni dan lingkungan. Disini efektivitas kerja estetis yang akan menuntun para peserta Street Art Sejeblog dalam penerapan kredo berkarya mereka. Penekanan tema solidaritas adalah pada praktek kolaborasi antara seniman yang diundang dengan warga lokal. Dengan melibatkan masyarakat sebagai subjek, berarti apa yang dinamai keterasingan antara seniman dan karyanya akan terselesaikan. Secara etika, berbagai idiom yang akan muncul atas gagasan dialog dan disertasi visual akan diserap sangat objektif oleh warga. Produk seni seperti graffiti, mural, stensil, poster, wheate paste, fotografi, stiker dan instalasi seni ketika lahir di ranah publik sangatlah otonom dan individualistik dengan ketidak-ajuan. Dalam lingkup desa mereka diboyong untuk bercengkrama dengan para tetangga. Platform proyek ini bukan menjadi gelanggang perayaan global seni urban, yang anti sosial dan miskin makna serta hanya melakukan kerja pengulangan (kitsch) akan tetapi posisi seni "street art" selayaknya memiliki keberpihakan yang mengkontruksi makna-makna sosial. Proyek ini akan melepaskan dan membebaskan setiap peserta membangun struktural bahasa estetikanya melalui "bentuk" (penanda) dengan kepercayaan "makna" (petanda).

Concept by: Andres Busrianto, Adam Gruba, Bahtiar Syahri R Zain, Arinanda Gilang

Possible because Razem Pamoja Foundation http://www.pamoja.pl

Supported by Jeblog village, Tirtonirmolo, Kasihan, Bantul, Yogyakarta